The mysteries of your mind unveiled

Your mind...what is it really all about, what could you do with it? Is your mind your brain? Can you blow up things using your mind? Could you make $10 million with it? Perhaps. Oh watch this guy bend a spoon using his "mind power"

As you have noticed, it's nothing more than just a trick, he wasn't actually using his mind, he was manipulating yours. Lol!

This brings us back to the question, what can we possibly do with our minds?
Before we go into that, I’m going to share my little story with you, please note, I’m not a motivational speaker and I don’t even see myself as one, I'm sharing this because I believe it would be of value to you.

There was a time in high school when I was really struggling academically, I was once among the bottom 5 but since the day I told myself I was an intelligent man, my results in high school sky-rocketed!
It all seemed like things were going from bad to worse and I actually did give up.Yes I did, I convinced myself I was no good and nothing more than a poor student, worse still that coincided with massive pimples and acne on my face, it killed my esteem!
But everything simply changed by answering a simple question in class, my teacher got so impressed with my answer and shouted "you know book! You are a genius". My brain instantly began a rapid transformation, all the blocks I built in my head of a no-good student were rapidly shattering. My brain began convincing itself within splits of seconds. The little applause I received that day shook down the barriers in my head. My brain rapidly went through new orientation. The message was clear. "YOU ARE INTELLIGENT."
I got home that day and challenged myself to study, I read in a different manner entirely that night, I solved my maths assignment and submitted confidently the next day, I was literally acting like an intelligent person and soon I began getting results!
Ever since, academically, I've always remained in the top 10 if not the top 3 in class. If I had continued to believe I was a no good student, then I definitely would have been a no good student.
I believed and I got my results

Side note: There’s a thin line between belief and illusions, if you believe something, you work towards it but when you are delusional, you don’t need to do anything, you will be simply filled with imaginations, dreams, visions without ever living it. Don’t get me wrong, it is good to visualize but having visions without taking actions would simply lead you nowhere.

You must know that your mind is much more powerful than you think and how you view yourself matters a lot because what you believe about yourself is most likely who you will eventually become. If you believe things are hard, then things would be hard for you, it's that simple, if you believe you are a successful millionaire, your positive mindset will be the bedrock to becoming a successful millionaire.

What you let into your mind changes the way you think and this changes your attitude to situations. I once listened to a great man, his name is Debola Williams, he said...
Debola Williams Adesanya's blog
Debola Williams
Image source: Enconium Magazines

"you don't live in reality, you live in your believe" 

-Debola Williams

So what influences your beliefs? Your thoughts! If you can develop a winning mentality, you will most likely begin to achieve results so far you back it up with hard work. Note this, do not mistake believe for illusion, there is a thin line between both, when you believe something, work hard towards it but illusion on the other hand simply fills you up with imaginations and endless dreams! You don't need to do anything when you are delusional, all you need to do is to dream all the day without actually living it but when you believe you don't just dream about it but work towards it.

How your mind works

Your mind is virtual, you can’t see it, it’s seems like it's just somewhere in your brain but in real terms your mind is your consciousness, it is simply you, the real you. It is what you think, your perception and your interpretation of your experiences. The power of the mind remains an amazement but what we do know is that whatever you let into your mind controls how you think and what you think affects your attitude.

Thoughts are energy, they are like spirits and these thoughts can either be positive or negative, when you dwell in positive thoughts, you get positive emotions, the positive energy attracts positivity to your life, once you harbor negative thoughts into your mind, it attracts all sorts of negativity and negative emotions, it’s a set principle. You cannot think negativity and expect positive results. You cannot hate people and expect them to love you back, even if they actually do, you will most likely not see it that way, even in the face of their positivity you will desperately seek for opportunities and clues to prove that they are evil people as your negative thoughts have perceived. It’s that simple.


Never give room to negative thoughts

Image source: Study Portal Yuvayana
The Buddhists believe that the universe does not understand speech but frequency, your thoughts and emotions are your frequency. Emotions like anger, over possessiveness, hatred are regarded as low frequency, on the other hand love, joy, optimism are considered high frequency, the only thing that the universe can do is to respond to you in whatever frequency you emit, that is why a bitter person cannot have rest of mind, he mostly finds it hard to succeed. Let’s take a very comical example. You watch SpongeBob, right?
SpongeBob and Squidward Adesanya's blog
Image source: PC Wall Art
You know how SpongeBob acts, he is always so bubbly and happy and most times he succeeds at what he does except his driving classes lol! but have you taken out time to study the attitude of SquidBob? You find out he is always angry about everything, wants to be isolated, hates everybody and what usually happens to him? Frustrations, bitterness, bad luck and more frustrations. SpongeBob could be just a cartoon but that is what actually happens in reality. Negative thoughts are toxic, they never help you, they only bring negativity. Remember, “Your belief is your reality” and Karma really exists though lol.

Do not let your mind wander about

Image Source:
When your mind is wandering, you would not be able to focus. When I was writing this particular article you are currently reading, I was basically focusing on too many things, I wanted to research about some people who used their minds for great exploits, at the same time I was browsing on how to add a podcast and YouTube video on the blog post, then from there I downloaded an app for making podcast, I left there and tried focusing on the article, then I thought of adding an email subscription form under this post and of course I was getting messages and notifications from all Social media platforms, just guess what? I usually ended up doing absolutely nothing and most times I simply got tired and do less productive stuffs. If I had learnt the art of focusing the mind on one thing at a time, this article would have been ready much earlier.

Likewise, to prevent the mind from wandering about, you should wake up with a clear vision and set realistic mini-goals for the day, focus on one thing at a time, put your full attention on what you are doing, you might have to snub some messages atimes. Again, in order to fulfill your dreams, you must not  fill your mind with junks from various sources, in fact, any thought that is contrary or not in line with your set goals should NOT be allowed into your mind. Your mind should have a gate, it must screen any thoughts that tries to come in, any thoughts that would not be a benefit to you should be chased back, a mind filled with all manner of useless information and thoughts is a confused mind!

When preparing for an exam, the worst thing you can do is to worry and begin wandering how difficult the exam would be, that way you are simply preventing your brain from acquiring more information, in fact, if your probability of passing is 50%, you could reduce is to 20 because of your panicking.

Never speak negative things

The bible says the power of life and death lies in the tongue, your words are so powerful, in fact, when you say things like “I don’t have money” you might actually be trying to be sarcastic but when you say words like that frequently, your subconscious mind records this and automatically takes it as being true, your subconscious does not understand humour, it takes things word for word and when negative thoughts get into your subconscious mind, they begin to attract negativity and if you are not sensitive enough you could begin to experience the same negativity you frequently joke about, this is the reason why the Bible says “let the poor say I am rich, let the weak say I am strong”. You can either take advantage of your subconscious mind or it would take advantage of you. Mind your thoughts.

If you direct your whole thought to work itself, none of the things which invade eyes or ears will reach the mind.
– Quintilian

What you could possibly do with your mind

There are countless things you could possibly do with your mind but there are two basic things you can do with it(you), that is to make your life better or worse. I'm going to list a few other things you could do   with that mind of yours

1.  Improve your health

Ever heard of the Placebo effect? People in the medical field do experiment with this, they prescribe dummy drugs which in actuality can do little or nothing to the illness of the patient but guess what? It mostly works! How? It’s simply because the patients have strong faith in this drug and their bodies respond to it and begin to heal itself. This alone proves the power of the mind. Most times when people get ill they make the illness wear them out, they begin to focus more on the illness and most times this only deteroriate the illness. Instead, focus more on getting well and be enthusiastic, trust me this works. Personally, when I’m experiencing pain, I simply tell my body “well this pain won’t last till tomorrow “ and this gives me some kind of relieve.

Steps to take to improve your health using your mind
·         Focus more on getting better
·         Trust your drugs, remember the Placebo effect
·         Get yourself a friendly and jovial doctor
·         Take your mind off the pain and realize it won’t last forever
·         Never give room for negative thoughts

2. Lose weight

Image source:

Yes every obese person know they need to lose weight and many actually want to lose weight but why are they really not losing weight? Yea every company would always try to convince you of how their slimming tea is going to help you but as you have figured out already, didn’t work! Losing weight is all down to 3 core factors; having the right diet, exercising and most importantly having the right mindset to losing weight. Most times it all stems from their attitude towards losing weight, hitting the gym out of self pity might not work because you might later get discouraged and tired, of course it takes perseverance to keep hitting the gym, the most effective way to lose weight is to first change your mind set about the gym and see working out more as a pleasurable activity.

Steps to take to lose weight using your mind
·         Firstly, do not hit the gym merely out of self pity, you really need to realize you need to shed some weight
·         Set daily reachable work out goals and reach them
·         Don’t be too hard on yourself, slow and steady
·         Begin to visualize yourself as being slimmer, don’t joke with this one
·         When eating, concentrate much more while eating, this way you will eat slower and would get filled up soon thereby helping you shed weight in the long run.

3.  Boost your emotional health

Your emotional health is a key component to your happiness, when you are emotionally unstable, you would find it extremely difficult to remain happy. The one thing many people struggling with emotional instability do is to laugh hard so loud, play too hard and sometimes 'bitch' around but sadly, that helps but little, although laughing is good to the health but forcing it out when you feel empty inside could in fact leave you worse off. This is because the laughter isn’t coming from within, true happiness should come from within. You could be funny, you could make everyone laugh but if your mind isn’t at rest, you simply would not be happy.

Robin Williams, an Oscar-winning comedian committed suicide in 2014, it was reported he was suffering from depression prior to his death, this makes you wonder, a comedian? Ain’t he meant to be happy?

There are countless examples of celebrities committing suicide, they all got the fame, the money and attention but emotionally unstable, by now you should know the importance of your emotional health. 

So if you are suffering from depression or emotional instability, note that it is a step-by-step process:
·         First, focus your thoughts on happiness, your happiness is key
·         Move around with lively optimistic people
·         Do not “bitch” around in pursuit of happiness, you will end up coming out worse in the long run.
·         Determine your values and act on them
·         Meditate and forgive whoever might hurt you
·         Snap back out of every negative thoughts when they come to mind
·         This is an interesting one too, do not over-analyze your problems
·         Do not dwell on the past
·         Condition your mind to feel like a victor not a victim
·         Be optimistic about the future
·         Help other people

4.  You can be more creative using your mind

You could be creative with your mind if you are not distracted with other issues, your state of mind is very critical to your creativity, say you can't afford to pay your bills yet, of course your mind would be unstable and you will find it very difficult to concentrate, this will only weaken your creative skills. In order to harness your creative power:

  • First thing? Be at peace with yourself
  • Brainstorm but don't overdo it, personally I've found out I get new ideas and deep thoughts whenever I take a walk especially in the evening, several new ideas that never dropped in my head while sitting just keep flowing
  • Be sponteneous, creativity involves creating something, it doesn't strive in routine, it's simply spontaneous, if you are a writer, you simply cannot keep writing the creative things while sitting on the same desk and chair eyes fixed to the PC for 8 hours. It won't work.
  • Be aware of your environment, most comedians do this, while a normal person looks at an incident and deems it normal, a comedian with his creativity would be able to look into some details you never thought of and make something funny out on it
  • Play! You don't need to have a loong face to be creative, free your mind and body, take a walk
  • In general there are several ways you could be more succesful, I can't exhaustively list them here, you can look at 25 more ways to be more creative.

5. In extreme cases, you could actually use your mind to alter your physiology

Tibetan Buddhists
Image Source:

The Tipetan Buddhists, thesepeople have the ability to engage in ‘Tumo’; this was a practice of raising one's body temperature through intense sensation in the body, they could actually sweat in freezing environments, sometimes wet sheets they would be wound on their half naked bodies and they had the ability to actually dry those wet sheet with their body heat even in the freezing cold environments. They even took it as a game where they'll line themselves up and watch who would dry the sheets first. Shocking, right?

What’s more, the Indian Yogis, like the Tibetan Buddhists could virtually be buried alive for 28 days and still be alive, through deep meditation, these people could slower their heartbeat and respiration to very low levels similar to when asleep for very long hours proving they could actually be buried alive for a long time and come out alive.
Bajau man. This man can stay underwater for more than 5 mins
Image Source: Abysse Official
The Bajau people, labeled refugees by the Malaysian government , these people settled in the middle of the sea and could stay under water in one breathe for up to 5ins and some could even stay longer. They literally dive into the bottom of the ocean without oxygen masks. When one of them was asked how they do it, he simply said “I just focus my attention on the fish I’m hunting”. He simply did not make his mind wander about.

How to use your mind to get the results you want

In order to achieve your long term success, you need to set short-term mini-goals that are in line with your dreams, and these mini-goals could be yearly, monthly, weekly or even hourly. They are few things you can do to achieve success

First, you must dedicate time for your goals

Find a quiet and comfortable place to begin your task, if you are preparing for an exam, you might have to put off your data so as to prevent being distracted. Technological advancement with all it’s advantages causes so many distractions, most times. The reason why you have not been able to be a better guitarist is because you take time replying to messages on your whatsapp during your practice hours, the reason why you have not finished your book could be because you are constantly reading through comments on your selfie you posted on Facebook instead of sharpening your writing skills, the reason why you might have not become the software developer you wished to be is because you are looking up funny videos on Instagram instead of coding.

Secondly, you need to...

Change your perception (mind set) about work

change your perception about work Adesanya's blog
Image source: N2 Growth Blog

Usually, work brings pain and the brain naturally hates pain, it loves comfort, it would naturally prefer short term comfort over a little pain that would bring a much better comfort. The only time the brain takes pain is only when it is left with no choice, an average man would naturally not want to go to work on Monday morning but he eventually goes because he has no choice, he has a family to take care of. Left to him, if his boss could call on him and say “morning, you don’t necessarily need to be at work today, you can still come if there need be”, he would gladly stay home. The brain hates work, it always wants to be comfortable at all times but that is dangerous! You need to trick your mind to think that work that brings pain is very pleasurable, you could do things by imagining those things that give you pleasure while working, smile. You want to finish up your book this year? Don’t see it as one hell of a work you have to sweat over, see it as an adventure, stimulate that pleasure part of your brain. Most times we don’t get to do the work we have to do because we see it as work we don’t want to do.


visualize Adesanya's blog

Imagine yourself doing that task efficiently and effectively for about 2 minutes. By doing that, you are reinforcing your subconscious to see the task as very easy. Popular movie actor Arnold Schwarzenegger employs this same tactic while building up his muscles and contesting in election, he says "It’s the same process I used in bodybuilding: What you do is create a vision of who you want to be — and then live that picture as if it were already true.”

Do not multitask

Do not multitask Adesanya's blog

Prior to the time of writing this article, I wanted to research about some people who used their minds for great exploits, at the same time I was browsing on how to add a podcast and YouTube video on the blog post, then from there I downloaded an app for making podcast, I left there and tried focusing on the article, then I thought of adding an email subscription form under this post and of course I was getting messages and notifications from all Social media platforms, just guess what? I usually ended up doing absolutely nothing and most times I simply got tired and do less productive stuffs. This kept happening until I learnt the art of focusing on one thing one at a time and I’ve been ripping the rewards, if I had learnt this earlier probably this blog post would have been ready earlier. Though many employers want employees with multi tasking skills, the truth remains that only a few can actually multi-task effectively, most times multitasking leaves you missing out of some cues, makes you make little mistakes. Why don’t you focus on one thing at a time?

People who used their minds to achieve success

Mohammed Ali

I sincerely don’t have enough words to justify Ali, this is someone we really should all learn from. Ali literally wins his battles before he wins them, he says “it ain’t bragging if you can prove it” he was so self-confident. He even went to claim “I am the greatest….I am the greatest!” with so much authority and let’s talk, who is the greatest? His undenying believe in himself simply made him win 56 of his 61 fights, it must be noted that 4 of his defeats were at the end of his career and by then he was understandably past his prime.
Surprisingly, Ali wasn’t so obsessed with training like some could have expected, in fact, his trainer told reporters “He's the worst gym fighter in the world…” The only training session he seemed to take seriously was rope skipping which was beneficial to his speed.
The major thing he had was a very strong belief, this is not to say you don’t have to work just as hard, you must have strong faith and back it up with hard work, even the Bible says “faith without works is dead”.

Will Smith

He is an actor, producer, rapper, and song-writer, one of the most successful movie actors in Hollywood. He is four-time Grammy awards winner alongside other accolades. Excuse my appraisals lol he’s just one of my very favorite actors.
The amazing about him is he already saw himself as a top movie star long before he made it, this is what he said “In my mind, I've always been an A-list Hollywood superstar. Y'all just didn't know yet,”

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo mind Adesanya's blog

I’m a big fan of him and I can say I’m his number fan lol and I also believe he is the greatest athlete in the world but when you study his closest rival closely, Lionel Messi, you might be tempted to believe he has an edge over Ronaldo and at some point Messi won 4 Ballon d’Or awards consecutively, at that time, Ronaldo had just one. Any other person without a strong mentality like Ronaldo could have just lost motivation and given up but he never did, he kept pushing on, he not only believed he was the best, he worked extra hard to affirm it, he once said boldly to reporters “in my mind I’m the best, you the media can say it’s Messi but in my mind I am the best” and he just proved it in his goal celebration as he scored against Juventus to win the UEFA Champions League trophy.

 Arnold Schwarzenegger

We have talked about him earlier, he’s worth talking about again. While building up his body, he had a target, Reg Park, he was a body builder, actor, business and former Mr. Universe. While Arnold was building, he already had
Reg Park in his mind, it was only a matter of time before his body fit in.
"I had this fixed idea of growing a body like Reg Park’s. The model was there in my mind; I only had to grow enough to fill it,” he explained. "The more I focused in on this image and worked and grew, the more I saw it was real and possible for me to be like him.”
He also applied this same principle in his political career …
"It’s the same process I used in bodybuilding: What you do is create a vision of who you want to be — and then live that picture as if it were already true.”

Jim Carrey

He is the one behind the mask in the very popular movie called 'The Mask'. Remember him? 
He is a very interesting personality, he literally wrote himself a $10 million cheque while visualizing himself becoming a Hollywood star, five years later he got an offer of $10 million for a role in the film Dumb and Dumber.
At some point he was just a broke young man dreaming of making it into stardom. Depressed and tired, he drove his beat-up car up Hollywood Hills overlooking Los Angeles and there and then began to visualize the future he wanted for himself, the motivation became so much he wrote himself a cheque of $10 million and kept it in his pocket. 5 years later he was offered $10 million dollars for a role. Amazing right?
What's amazing, wanna know? Well this quote of his is, "forget the pain, mock the pain, reduce the it and laugh" I love this quote. Just like I said earlier, you have to trick your mind that what brings you pain is actually pleasurable thing.

Lindsey Vonn

She is a skiing gold medalist, one of the most successful ski racers, and a model. She is someone who uses the power of visualization to the fullest, before a race she would adjust her weight like she was on course and visualize every bump and turn, she admitted that before a race she had been on the course 100 times.
Simply put, she usually finishes the course mentally before doing so physically. That same technique has brought her massive success in the field of skiing. She is also uses the power of determination to the fullest potential and she has a little advice for you "when you fall, get back right up. Just keep going, keep pushing" Learn from Lindsey Vonn.

“Losers visualize the penalties of failures. Winners visualize the rewards of success”
-William S. Gilbert
So that's it for today, thanks for taking time to read this...bye....

There's more, I simply can't leave this out, ever thought of mind manipulation, have you ever bothered to find out if you are being manipulated by someone else? Well brace up, this is where things get interesting, tighten your seat belts because you are about to go on a journey, within the speed of light we would be destroying any mind manipulation and break out from any form of mind manipulation, you can say 'amen' to that.

What if I told you your mind has been manipulated times without number? What if I told you you are probably controlled by someone else right now? This could be true because when you accomodate foreign especially negative thing into your mind, you are virtually giving these foreign energy the control to your mind and even your life.
Take for example anger, this is something I'm fighting with too. When someone "gets you angry" you get angry not actually because they got you angry but because you chose to pick offense and react with anger, that way, you are indirectly giving them a control, like they could literally press a button and you are already with the mean face. It's funny how many people associate anger with strength but anger without any profitability is totally negative. Know this, if you don't learn to control your anger, your anger will control you. 

The amazing thing is anger could be used for productive things just as it can be used for destruction. Like when you get angry and motivate yourself to learn a skill or when you get angry and mix it with unforgiveness, bitterness, destruction of things, they are just being used differently. People who have used anger to it's negative effect have all faced bitterness, they have lost loved ones, they are simply not happy people but people who have gotten angry and used it as a motivation for themselves have experienced satisfaction, peace with themselves, happiness and achieved goals. Just like when you watch Serena Williams, you see the way she screams at the top of her voice when she's on the losing side, you find out that by doing so she motivates herself. The amazing thing is it works so well for her. I love the way the author of this article 'want to change your life? get angry' explains it.

There are also a thousand ways peoples minds gets manipulated, the media, the news and even religion. I'm going to write how the mainstream media brainwashes the masses very soon.

The best way to make sure you are not a conformist is to be aware of your consciousness and screen any form of information, thoughts that comes in contact with your mind.

There's just so much to write about the mind that I would be unable to uncover here, but remember...

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"

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Revolutionize your thoughts
